Thursday, December 11, 2008

19 weeks

Well, here is a photo, finally. I am 19 weeks and feeling the baby move now. I went to the doctor yesterday and the heartbeat is fine. It is around 148 to 151. He/She kept moving around in there. I will go for an ultrasound next Thursday to make sure nothing is deformed. I have not gained any weight. I actually lost a pound! So, I hope to not gain much except for baby weight. 

We had a really nice visit from Dad and Susan last week. It went too fast as usual. Dad kept himself busy and got the baby nook painted. It looks great! I can't wait to decorate it. Susan made some pillows for the living room (I helped a little). It is finally starting to come together in there! There is still a lot left to do before the baby comes, but I just hope we get the bathroom finished before May. That is the main goal now. I'll post more pics of the "nook" and other rooms in the house soon.